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📌Want to enhance your Colour Doppler skills?

👉🏼Register for Dopplercon 2024 (Online Conference) right now

🎯 Conference Date: 1st Sep. 2024 (Sunday)

It will cover all the topics of Colour Doppler ultrasound
In-depth Lectures by Senior Experienced Faculties
There will be 60days access to recorded video
Notes and quiz will be there
Study Material will be provided
Interactive Q&A during Sessions
Certificate will be given to participant


Tentative Scientific Program

Serial No.





 08:00-8:30 am
(30 min)

Role of Penile Doppler in Erectile Dysfunction

Dr. Zubair Kazi (Mumbai)


(45 min)

Role of Liver Doppler in CLD and Budd Chiari Syndrome

Dr. Abdul Mateen (Hyderabad)


(45 min)

Post Liver transplant Doppler Evaluation

Dr. Sudeshna Malakar (Kolkata)


(10 min)

Mindray Presentation 



(30 min)

Doppler Basics: Waveforms & Interpretation

Dr. Kanu Bala (Bangladesh)


(45 min)

Peripheral Venous Doppler : A surgeon’s perspective

Dr. Tarun Grover (Gurugram) 


(10 min)


GE Presentation



(45 min)

Peripheral Arterial Doppler

Dr Sudheer Gokhale (Indore)


(45 min)

Pre and Post op assessment of hemodialysis access AV Fistula

Dr Shweta Nagar (Indore)


(30 min)

 Role of Doppler in Renovascular Hypertension

Dr. Nitin Chaubal (Mumbai)


(20 min)

Role of Elastography and Fat Quantification in Hepatic Imaging

Dr. Rajul Rastogi (Moradabad)


(30 min)

Carotid and vertebral Arterial Doppler Evaluation

Dr. P.M.Venkata Sai (Chennai)


(30 min)

Doppler in Obstetrics : A User’s Overview

Dr. Ashok Khurana (Delhi)


(10 min)

Fujifilm Presentation



(30 min)

Ductus Venosus and uterine artery doppler

Dr. Chander Lulla (Mumbai)


(30 min)

Umbilical artery and MCA Doppler evaluation

Dr. Alok Varshney (Delhi) 


(30 min)

Aortic Isthmus doppler and its role in staging and management of FGR

Dr. Jiten Kumar (Delhi)


(30 min)

Post Renal transplant Doppler Evaluation

Dr. Vikram Dogra (New York)


(30 min)

Role of Doppler in Gynaecology

Dr. Manju Virmani (Delhi)





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Keep Learning


Doppler Basics: Waveforms & Interpretation - Dr. Kanu Bala  

Join in to learn Basics of Doppler ultrasound which is fundamental in the creation of the diagnostic information and its interpretation. Understand the applied physics behind the waveforms, the types of waveforms, where and when do we see what type of waveform, How to best do the image optimization using the ultrasound machine equipment, knobology and patient positioning and scanning techniques. How to scan and which fundamental images to record and document and with appropriate colour display, gain,  angle correction, velocity scale, baseline PRF, Nyquist Limit. Common Doppler artefacts, understanding, and their application and correction to get the most accurate information. What do the words monophasic, diaphasic triphasic mean to you. What do you mean by low resistance flow and high resistance flow. What do you mean by continuous flow and pulsatile flow. How to do Spectral arterial doppler. How to do the measurements and get the spectral doppler indices of RI, PI, SD Ratio and more……”


Role of Liver Doppler in CLD and Budd Chiari Syndrome - Dr. Abdul Mateen

Colour Doppler and Spectral Doppler, both techniques have a significant role in evaluation of liver diseases, a technique and a modality which is unique in providing the volume flows of portal vein and velocity parameters across the hepatic arteries and portal veins. Doppler has a great diagnostic role  both in early diagnosis of chronic liver disease or in cirrhosis patients to assess the complications. So let’s understand how to evaluate and apply the doppler principles for the best assessment and most accurate results which truly support in guiding patient management and care. All doppler evaluations are always built on best 2D imaging. Learn in detail about the Budd Chiari syndrome from stalwarts who are an authority in the field. Why is Budd Chiari syndrome an often missed diagnosis on ultrasound imaging ?  …….,  when perhaps with learning from experts,  will lead to transformation of practices and improve the diagnostic pick up ultrasound imaging.


Post Liver transplant Doppler Evaluation -   Dr. Sudeshna Malakar

Liver transplant is the definite management of end stage liver disease, and transplants are increasing. Ultrasound assessment of a liver transplant begins with a preop understanding of donor liver and type of transplant, LDLT, DDLT, Single lobe transplant or Dual lobe transplant. Understanding the hepatic vasculature, detailed understanding of the surgical anastomosis and their intraoperative and post operative evaluation and follow is a part of routine studies. So let’s sharpen our skills with stalwarts chosen for you. Our lead faculty is an integral part of the liver transplant imaging team and really brings together an immense knowledge and experience to enlighten us on the ultrasound  techniques , imaging findings, various complications found and further follow up scans. All these diagnosis need to done very timely and very efficiently and accurately as these are vital parameters which guide timely management to support graft survival. Understanding of HAS, HAT, Portal vein thrombosis, IHBRD, pneumobilia, hepatic abscess in transplant recipients. And much more……………………Keep learning and exploring……………………………


Role of Penile Doppler in Erectile Dysfunction - Dr. Zubair Kazi

This is another one of the key areas of doppler imaging where Doppler imaging has a significant role in answering  diagnostic question. Penile Doppler ultrasound is the  recommended examination for erectile dysfunction and in the evaluation of post-traumatic erectile dysfunction, penile fracture, penile fibrosis, and penile curvature disorders such as Peyronie disease, erectile dysfunction occurring after priapism, and  in candidates for a penile implant. Penile Doppler ultrasound is also useful for detecting silent cardiovascular disease in men with erectile dysfunction, and it may be a valid tool to improve risk stratification of these patients. Understanding of the proper ultrasound technique, its application, image optimization, and understanding of arterial and venous flow and their pathophysiology is paramount to a good diagnostic scan and interpretation and diagnosis. We bring to you stalwart in the field to address the topic and take you through to in depth understanding of the relevant ultrasound anatomy, B mode evaluation of the same, Colour and spectral doppler, arterial waveform signals, flow velocities and interpretation and reporting. Learn the ability to differentiate between arterial and venous insufficiency, pre and post vasoactive drug stimulation time lines and analysis, limitations and pitfalls.


Peripheral Venous Doppler : A surgeon’s perspective - Dr. Tarun Grover

Acute DVT and chronic venous disease are common indications for ultrasound imaging. However, why do we have discrepant reports on the same ? What is the question that our treating physician is seeking that we are not adequately answering. Ultimately Diagnostic services are targeted to answer clinicians’ questions and to support them in patient management. So lets understand peripheral venous doppler from a  surgeons perspective. Lets improve our skills and acceptability of our diagnostic reporting. We bring together stalwart in the field to take us through the relevant venous anatomy and pathology, technique, and interpretation of  peripheral venous duplex doppler  examination. Lets understand the pathophysiology of venous thrombosis, post-thrombotic syndrome, and chronic venous insufficiency. How to assess for thrombosis as well as valvular insufficiency. Lets describe well the typical imaging findings of acute versus chronic deep venous thrombosis, beginning from how to image, how to document and how to report. 


Peripheral Arterial   Doppler - Dr Sudheer Gokhale

Did you know that the complete peripheral arterial duplex exam begins at the abdominal aorta and follows the arterial system vessels to the ankle. The vessels are evaluated in both  long- and short-axis with B-mode and pulsed Doppler. What patient positioning is required ? What sampling to be done. Where to sample ? what is the pathophysiology of  steno-occlusive process in atherosclerosis ? Which ones are the key areas vulnerable to stenosis, the challenges in evaluation and how to overcome the same for best diagnostic results. What is ankle brachial index and what is its role here in evaluation ? Let’s begin with the understanding of the normal anatomy and caliber of arterial vessels, pathophysiology of arterial disease, and the hemodynamics of normal and abnormal flow. 

Let’s understand the protocols of peripheral arterial doppler evaluation, scanning techniques and interpretation. Let’s unravel the typical sonographic imaging findings of peripheral arterial disease, aneurysms, pseudoaneurysms, and arteriovenous fistulae. How to evaluate and differentiate venous ulcer and arterial ulcer. How to evaluate for cases of impending gangrene. Understand from stalwarts proper  Imaging, Documentation, reporting and follow up. 


Pre and Post op assessment of hemodialysis access AV Fistula - Dr Shweta Nagar

Doppler Ultrasound Evaluation, both pre op and post op assessment of the hemodialysis AV Fistula is very important, as it is the lifeline of dialysis patients. Ultrasound evaluation begins with previous vascular access history,  comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease and congestive heart failure. These factors could influence proper functioning of the inflow, outflow, or the conduit of AVF. Evaluation of both arterial and venous beds is to performed at all times. Arterial evaluation for AVF includes pulse examination, differential pressure, palmar arch patency and arterial size along with thorough evaluation of axillary, brachial, radial and ulnar arteries in both upper extremities. Venous assessment essential parameters measured include vessel depth, internal diameter with and without the tourniquet and continuity with the deep system and the presence of any stenosis or thrombosis. Lets understand all from the experts…… and improve our skillset……


Role of Doppler in Renovascular Hypertension - Dr. Nitin Chaubal

What is the current status of renal arterial doppler evaluation in renovasvular hypertension. It it useful ? Has it contributed to increased diagnosis of renovascular hypertension and contributed to saving the kidney ?. If your answer is yes, then we as ultrasound professionals have a big responsibility in early diagnosis and preventing end stage renal disease. How ? How to do renal arterial doppler scan ? It is very challenging, now how to overcome these ? Most patients are obese, I cannot get the depth of penetration ? The perfusion is so low at times I find it challenging to get the velocities ? What is PSV, EDV, RI, PI, Acceleration index, and S/D Ratio. Now lets understand from stalwarts in the field -  how to do the scan , proper technique and protocols and address the challenges and the best ways for image optimization, equipment settings, correction of artefacts, spectral doppler tracing and measurements, interpretation and reporting.


Carotid and vertebral Arterial Doppler Evaluation - Dr. P.M.Venkata Sai

Understanding carotid and vertebral artery doppler waveforms velocities and interpretation, is something we all seem to know very well. How to evaluate in challenging situations, short neck, post surgery cases, and how to optimize the image. What is Intima-Medial Thickness and what is its significance ? What do we mean by low resistance waveform, what do we mean high resistance waveform, How to identify ECA, ICA, BULB, Carotid vessels. What is Temporal Tap ? How to elicit Temporal Tap. Lets understand the scan from the stalwarts with an approach to Doppler evaluation and the best practice essentials. Let’s relearn the key essential anatomy and  anatomical variations in the vasculature of neck  and how it impacts our doppler examination.  What are the relevant Doppler indices and their interpretation and grading of stenosis. Doppler artefacts and understanding to apply for best diagnostic outcomes. What are the international guidelines ? What is the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) consensus for the diagnosis and stratification of ICA stenosis ? What is Sonographic NASCET Index ? When to advise further imaging.


Role of Doppler in Gynaecology - Dr. Manju Virmani

Let’s understand from the stalwarts, how a simple added application of colour doppler , power doppler and spectral doppler can significantly add to the diagnostic information on routine gynaecological ultrasound imaging. Let’s assess all the  vessels near the ovaries, uterus, and endometrium to increase our diagnostic yield. Appropriate equipment settings and understanding of image knobology and advanced tools of 3D can support us all to do better diagnostic  imaging. Role of doppler in infertility and IVF practices. What are the patterns of benign vascular enhancement and what is meant by  colour score ?


Doppler in Obstetrics : A User’s Overview - Dr. Ashok Khurana

We are all aware of the immense role of doppler in obstetric imaging and how it has transformed the complete diagnosis and management in this field. Let’s connect with the super stalwart in the field for a comprehensive overview of its role, the various vessels to be examined, which vessels when and how ? What is the essence of ISUOG guidelines ? What message is SFM and FMF conveying in this regard. What are the key vessels and their role. Which vessels give info of maternal circulation ? Which vessels give information of fetal circulation ? Evaluation of Uterine artery, umbilical artery, middle cerebral artery, ductus venosus evaluation. What is the link to understanding of fetal growth restriction. 


Ductus Venosus and uterine artery doppler - Dr. Chander Lulla

The ductus venosus has a central role in the distribution of highly oxygenated umbilical venous blood to the heart. Its waveform is related to the pressure-volume changes in the fetal heart and has an important role in the monitoring of any fetal condition that may affect forward cardiac function. How to assess this vessels ? Which ones is the best view ? what is the fetus position ? what are the imaging guidelines by the international society standards of FMF and INSUOG. What are the waveforms ? What do these indicate ? What is forward flow ? What is reverse diastolic flow ? What are the pitfalls in imaging ? How to interpret ? What is the clinical significance and impact on decision making. Assessment in various stages of gestation. 

Uteroplacental blood flow assessment is an important part of fetal well-being assessment and evaluates Doppler flow in the uterine arteries. Uterine artery doppler assesses the flow in uterine arteries giving great information of maternal circulation as it is supporting the fetus. It is now assessed in all the three trimesters and gives great clinically relevant information. Lets understand from stalwarts the essentials :  the anatomy, the technique of assessment, what are PSV range, What are the PI RI values. What is the role in pre ecclamsia screening. What is the role in cerebroplacental ratio. What is the role in FGR.



Umbilical artery and MCA Doppler evaluation - Dr. Alok Varshney

Umbilical artery Doppler provides useful information about underlying increases in placental vascular resistance, using the flow patterns and various indices of RI, PI, PSV S/D.. and more…..

Fetal middle cerebral arterial (MCA) Doppler assessment is an important part of assessing fetal cardiovascular distress, fetal anemia or fetal hypoxia. It is a very useful adjunct to umbilical artery Doppler assessment and is used in the additional work up of FGR, twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) and twin anemia polycythemia sequence (TAPS). Lets understand from stalwarts the sono anatomy and how to assess these vessels for best outcomes and how to document fetal MCA pulsatility index (PI), fetal MCA peak systolic velocity (PSV), fetal MCA systolic/diastolic (S/D) ratio, cerebroplacental ratio (CPR): ratio of pulsatility index of MCA and umbilical artery


Aortic Isthmus doppler and its role in staging and management of FGR - Dr. Jiten Kumar

Fetal growth restriction (FGR) management and delivery planning is based on a multimodal approach. Aortic isthmus Doppler represents an additional  doppler marker useful for FGR management, and could predict neonatal adverse outcomes. Lets understand from experts in the field and learn from their experiences more…… What is the normal flow in Aortic Isthmus ?  What is meant by reduced or absent diastolic  flow in Aortic isthmus ?  What is meant by retrograde flow in Aortic Isthmus ?  and its role in FGR assessment.


Post Renal transplant Doppler Evaluation - Dr. Vikram Dogra

The central approach of renal transplant ultrasound is to evaluate for possibly treatable surgical or medical complications arising in the transplanted kidney. Transplant complications arise very early in immediate post op period, or mid term or long term complications and include acute and chronic rejection. Scans are performed as early as an initial ultrasound 24-48 hours post-transplant, and these follow up continue for years to come …..

Let’s have an overview of the renal transplant doppler evaluation beginning  with the evaluation of the surgical technique and including both structural B mode assessment and colour and spectral doppler evaluation. Renal size and echogenicity and presence of hydronephrosis, collections, hematoma, urinoma, lymphocele, abscesses are assessed. Doppler flow in the main renal and segmental arteries and the venous flows are assessed. The doppler indices of RI, PI and PSV are calculated and interpreted. Key vascular complications of Renal vein thrombosis, hematoma collection leading to vascular compromise are time sensitive and a good knowledge, learning awareness definitely goes a long way in the survival of renal grafts. 




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